
Saturday, October 27, 2007

some notes on the staions maintianed by KB9RQZ and KD8CTL

well been loking at the sation and comparing it to what i had set up about year ago this time when we were merely expecting the anoucement of d-day
I still have the FT847 and it is still one of the rigs I use most often either on 6m SSB of now digatil modes through hf and 6m
added is the primary hf voice staion built around IC -718  a nice rig easier to adjust and operate in many ways than the Ft 847 and it is driving (when
 needed sadly whch most of the time at this point in the cycle) an amp the AL-811 which seems to be giving that last db or so that  need to be heard
some days
I am a bit shocked that I have a mobile HF set up at this point mostly that the wife wanted the FT 857, programs with every VHF repeater in the area,
 form EueClaire down to Green Bay and over to Marquette, and a 10m repeater if we ever get to try it with anttenas for 75m, 20m, and 10 meters with
an autoturner to cover the rest

Friday, October 12, 2007

well the HF goes mobile

given the renewed workability of the of the Ft 847 the ft 857 can do what is is mean't to do go hf Mobile with an tennas fo r for 80 and 10 m so far (20 m was backordered oh well) we plan to take it on the road tomorrow going to perhaps esky and Iron Mountian

and the 857 will nice esp for my wife as it memeroies can be renamed to be a bit more transpereant as to where the repeater is