
Thursday, March 22, 2007

interesting to me at any rate

tired listenng to up het on 80 m the last few nights and nothing I mean NOTHING in great quiving letters I am mildly shocked

I say mildly since I have found hf to be a somewhat shocking experence

I have some DX contacts Morrraco the "best" all on non voice modes

I have yet to make a voice qso that I have not made a simlarl distance on 2 SSB althoough the hf Contact have been of a lower power than 2 SSB contacts and generaly easier all round

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

well interesting today heard the Up net first time

I am typing today as I read the UP NTS net first time I have been able to hear this net been tweaking the anttneas and slowly improving the station anttena I am chomping at the bit to accuraly get the bigger anttenas up but still much snow

heard net control adknowledgesome 25 staion amusingly I heard him clearly but only a couple of the other stations such w8kp if i am recalling right from bruce crossings

hearing mostly net control but quite geting the call so I can't say I know much about the process yet

pretty noisey so picking out calls is rough but I am learning slowly

it was interesting that they had a pre net set of check ins I wonder if this is local or just normal procedure

interesting to hear the band seem to slowly improve with backsliding at times
well I heard a female Irene I hope I catch her call might encourage my wife to get on the air

Saturday, March 10, 2007

intail impression of HF

one it is NOISEY
the choas of the number of digital modes and lack of any programing that I can to scan and id modes is appaling

(any reader with info on such a program please the author of this blog)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

nothing earth shaking to report mostly hanging in hell round 28.074 since my anntenas are happiest there